【044】More on Tail Risk: 风险越大,收益越低吗?
因子体系:FF 和 Barra 体系,谁是你的菜?
搞事情小组:搞事情深度研究| 异质波动率之谜
实证研究:【026】低 Beta 在 A 股:证券市场线是平坦的吗?
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Atilgan, Yigit, Bali, Turan G, Demirtas, K Ozgur, and Gunaydin, A Doruk. "Left-tail Momentum: Underreaction to Bad News, Costly Arbitrage and Equity Returns." Journal of Financial Economics (2019).
Bali, Turan G., and Suleyman Gokcan. "Alternative Approaches to Estimating VaR for Hedge Fund Portfolios." Intelligent Hedge Fund Investing (2004): 253-277.
Bali, Turan G., Nusret Cakici, and Robert F. Whitelaw. "Maxing out: Stocks as Lotteries and the Cross-section of Expected Returns." Journal of Financial Economics 99.2 (2011): 427-446.
Bali, Turan G., Robert F. Engle, and Scott Murray. "Empirical Asset Pricing: The Cross Section of Stock Returns." John Wiley & Sons, 2016.
Gupta, Anurag, and Bing Liang. "Do Hedge Funds Have Enough Capital? A Value-at-risk Approach." Journal of Financial Economics 77.1 (2005): 219-253.
Liang, Bing. "On the Performance of Hedge Funds." Financial Analysts Journal 55.4 (1999): 72-85.